Your account has been created! Now you can go back to the game and log in with the data you entered!
Welcome to Runeverse!
Congratulations, your request has been approved and you can immediately enter the world of Runeverse! Remember to join our Discord channel and actively participate in the community!
Download Instructions:

To download Runeverse on your Android device click on the link and download it from the official Play Store.

Per scaricare Runeverse sul tuo iPhone o iPad clicca sul link dal tuo dispositivo e segui le istruzioni.

To download Runeverse via Steam click on the link from your PC and follow the instructions.
Create a new Account
Create a new Account and begin to play immediatly Runeverse for free!
Create a new account
Ok, proceed to the next step.
Your Username is:
Choose the platform

* Runeverse is available for PC, Mac, iOS and Android.